We are aware that the most important value that will carry our institution into the future is our ANAFARTA® family, which consists of our employees.

The applications you make will only be viewed by the ANAFARTA Human Resources department, and all applications will be evaluated within the scope of the Employee/Intern Candidate Information Text for the conduct of Human Resources processes in accordance with the principle of confidentiality and the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698.

You can submit your job applications:

  • In person to our Company at OSB Mahallesi 2/22 Street No:11, Begos 3 Stage North Entrance, 35390 Buca/Izmir address,
  • Via our registered electronic mail (KEP) address,
  • In writing through a notary or by registered mail to verify your identity and prevent incorrect persons from receiving information,
  • By sending an email to using a secure electronic signature, mobile signature, or (if available) the electronic mail address communicated to us by you and registered in our systems.

We remind you that our Company is not responsible for unnecessary information sharing and information shared through external channels, and you can always exercise your rights under Article 11 of Law No. 6698 regarding your personal data. For any questions related to this matter, you can reach us at 0(535) 2526851.